Friday, November 26, 2004

Black Friday

What a grim name, huh? I wonder how many cups of coffee the managers at Best Buy have drunk so far.

I thought about calling up a few friends of mine in retail to laugh at them. Could you imagine being the poor schmuck who unlocks the doors at Target first thing in the morning?

HEADLINE NEWS: Sales associates all across America were trampled to death today by hordes of screaming women as they scrambled for the sale racks.

There's absolutely NO WAY you could drag me to the mall on Black Friday. I'd rather poke holes in my head.

Although Outback shouldn't be any less busy. It's easier to put up with the idiocy of the general public, however, when you walk away at the end of the night with a fat wad of cash.

Drinks are on me!

Maleea and Paige put up Christmas decorations today. We wanted to get a real tree this year, but things have been a little tight, so she hauled out the fake one from the attic.

Paige is at the perfect age for Christmas. I couldn't help but catch a little bit of holiday fever from her... She had so much fun decorating the tree, hanging up the bulbs, stringing the lights. Everything was magical. Her eyes lit up when she found the little snow globe at the bottom of the box. I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little envious... To be a kid again...


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