A Macrocosmic All to encompass the whole of creation. An ever-expanding universe, a superluminal sphere; where, at the very edge, roaring and foaming and seething like a fiery surf, we might hear with special ears, and see with special eyes, the divine tonal utterance, the echo of God's voice, the force of universal birth.
Impossible to reach that fiery edge. Like Time it marches forward, it extends immediately and eternally and unalterably into forever; and, just as we slip from one moment into the next, unaware and unable to halt or falter that passing, so too does the Infinite Edge.
Immutable laws written into the fabric of space and time, designed (cunningly enough) with no loopholes, to bind man to Earth.
Given the capacity to understand and discern the universe around him; to question and wonder and seek out answers, despite the faultless cruelties of chance, fate, and probability. Empowered by an unstoppable drive, a relentless will, to know all, understand all, and, in the end, master all. And yet we know so little.
When you're driving in your car and you slam on your brakes, your body's momentum carries it forward. That's called inertia. It's recently been theorized that inertia is actually a drag force caused by an invisible energy field (called the zero-point energy field) passing through every atom of your body at the quantum level. If scientists found the link between inertia and the zero-point energy field, they could hypothetically manipulate inertia via ordinary electromagnetic means. That includes increasing or reducing it, or "switching" it on and off.
Following that logic, if you "switched" off your inertia, you could stand in a vast room, flip on a flashlight, and the beam of light itself would propel you across the room at the speed of light. And even the smallest thread of your shirt striking the wall would stop you instantly, with no harm done (since you had no inertia, you wouldn't feel the force of acceleration or halting).
Put on your space-suit, cut off your inertia, flip on the flashlight, and go visit the stars.
Impossible to reach that fiery edge. Like Time it marches forward, it extends immediately and eternally and unalterably into forever; and, just as we slip from one moment into the next, unaware and unable to halt or falter that passing, so too does the Infinite Edge.
Immutable laws written into the fabric of space and time, designed (cunningly enough) with no loopholes, to bind man to Earth.
Given the capacity to understand and discern the universe around him; to question and wonder and seek out answers, despite the faultless cruelties of chance, fate, and probability. Empowered by an unstoppable drive, a relentless will, to know all, understand all, and, in the end, master all. And yet we know so little.
When you're driving in your car and you slam on your brakes, your body's momentum carries it forward. That's called inertia. It's recently been theorized that inertia is actually a drag force caused by an invisible energy field (called the zero-point energy field) passing through every atom of your body at the quantum level. If scientists found the link between inertia and the zero-point energy field, they could hypothetically manipulate inertia via ordinary electromagnetic means. That includes increasing or reducing it, or "switching" it on and off.
Following that logic, if you "switched" off your inertia, you could stand in a vast room, flip on a flashlight, and the beam of light itself would propel you across the room at the speed of light. And even the smallest thread of your shirt striking the wall would stop you instantly, with no harm done (since you had no inertia, you wouldn't feel the force of acceleration or halting).
Put on your space-suit, cut off your inertia, flip on the flashlight, and go visit the stars.
Very Smithian. -Kinnison
Scientists are just now starting to postulate that inertia isn't a fundamental aspect of mass, but instead is a quantum drag force created by the passage of the zero-point energy field through our sub-atomic structure in the direction opposite the force of acceleration. If they could find a way to "reduce" inertia, or eliminate it completely, we'd have...
... the Bergenholm!!!
Although the pumping of blood through the veins, as well as the orbits of electrons in our atomic make-up, require inertia to function properly... so... maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to neutralize it, after all...
There's always gravity propulsion!
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