Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Alleviate the Funk

I apologize to everyone, again, for taking such a long time to post. Now that I have a second job, it's getting harder and harder to either find time to post, or actually make myself do it when I have a few minutes to spare. My schedule's so hectic, I find that I'd rather just sit down on the recliner and relax for thirty minutes than pound away on the keyboard, racking my brain for something new to write.

Needless to say, I've been busy. I usually work at The Winds from 10:45 AM to about 4:00 PM... Then I jet to Outback in Centerville to work from 5:00 to close (10:00 on weekdays, 11:00 on weekends). All of this, five days a week. It's definitely helping me get ahead with my sister; the money I owe her took a dramatic jump down from $800 to about $300.

And now that I have my car, I've been able to get out and do things. I've seen Batman Begins twice now: once on opening day, and again last Friday. I'd anticipated this movie more than I had Episode III, and I was definitely pleased. The movie was amazing, enough to warrant its own blog post (if I can summon the willpower, which is pathetic, since any writer worth his salt shouldn't have to summon willpower, it should be second-nature...)

Maybe I can summon myself out of this lazy funk...


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